GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 19.12 Release Notes

Major Features

Supported unordered lists for Markdown and access to related DataTable using relation name.

Full List of Features Covering all Changes in this Release

ASSEMBLYNET-135 Support unordered lists for Markdown Feature 
ASSEMBLYNET-136 Support access to related DataTable using relation name Feature 
ASSEMBLYNET-137 NullReferenceException is thrown when evaluating a null-conditional operator on missing related DataRow Bug 
ASSEMBLYNET-138 Page breaks are removed if DocumentAssemblyOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs is used Bug 

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes 

The Document Assembly Engine enables you to access a data associated with a particular DataRow or DataRowView instance in template expressions using the “.” operator. See “Working with DataTable and DataView Objects” for more information.

Supported unordered lists for Markdown

From now on, unordered lists (see chapter 5.3 of Markdown specification) are supported when saving assembled Markdown documents to Word Processing formats and emails to Markdown.