Quick Start Guide

This guide provides a quick overview of how to set up and start using GroupDocs.Conversion for Python via .NET. This library enables developers to convert between various file formats (e.g., DOCX, PDF, PNG) with minimal configuration.


To proceed, make sure you have:

  1. Configured environment as described in the System Requirements topic.
  2. Optionally you may Get a Temporary License to test all the product features.

Set Up Your Development Environment

For best practices, use a virtual environment to manage dependencies in Python applications. Learn more about virtual environment at Create and Use Virtual Environments documentation topic.

Create and Activate a Virtual Environment

Create a virtual environment:

py -m venv .venv
python3 -m venv .venv

Activate a virtual environment:

source .venv/bin/activate

Install groupdocs-conversion-net Package

After activating the virtual environment, run the following command in your terminal to install the latest version of the package:

py -m pip install groupdocs-conversion-net
python3 -m pip install groupdocs-conversion-net

Ensure the package is installed successfully. You should see the message

Successfully installed groupdocs-conversion-net-*

Example 1: Convert document

To quickly test the library, let’s convert a DOCX file to PDF. You can also download the app that we’re going to buid here.

import os
from groupdocs.conversion import License, Converter
from groupdocs.conversion.options.convert import PdfConvertOptions

def convert_docx_to_pdf():
    # Get license file absolute path
    license_path = os.path.abspath("./GroupDocs.Conversion.lic")

    if os.path.exists(license_path):
        # Create License and set the path
        license = License()

    # Load DOCX file
    with Converter("./business-plan.docx") as converter:
        # Create convert options
        pdf_convert_options = PdfConvertOptions()

        # Convert DOCX to PDF
        converter.convert("./business-plan.pdf", pdf_convert_options)    

if __name__ == "__main__":

business-plan.docx is sample file used in this example. Click here to download it.

business-plan.pdf is expected output PDF file. Click here to download it.

Your folder tree should look similar to the following directory structure:

📂 demo-app
 └──GroupDocs.Conversion.lic (Optionally)

Run the App

py convert_docx_to_pdf.py
python3 convert_docx_to_pdf.py

After running the app you can deactivate virtual environment by executing deactivate or closing your shell.


  • Converter("./business-plan.docx"): Initializes the converter with the DOCX file.
  • PdfConvertOptions(): Specifies the output format as PDF.
  • converter.convert("./business-plan.pdf", pdf_convert_options): Converts the DOCX file to PDF and saves it as business-plan.pdf.

Example 2: Convert document pages

In this example we’ll convert PDF document pages to PNG. You can download the app that we’re going to buid here.

import os
from groupdocs.conversion import License, Converter
from groupdocs.conversion.filetypes import ImageFileType
from groupdocs.conversion.options.convert import ImageConvertOptions

def convert_pdf_pages_to_png():
    # Get license file absolute path
    license_path = os.path.abspath("./GroupDocs.Conversion.lic")

    if os.path.exists(license_path):
        # Create License and set the path
        license = License()

    # Load PDF document
    with Converter("./annual-review.pdf") as converter:
        # Create convert options
        png_convert_options = ImageConvertOptions()
        png_convert_options.format = ImageFileType.PNG
        # Convert document pages and save converted pages in the output folder
        converter.convert_by_page("./converted-pages", png_convert_options)    

if __name__ == "__main__":

annual-review.pdf is sample file used in this example. Click here to download it.

converted-pages is output folder where converted pages are stored. Click here to download the output PNG files.

Your folder tree should look similar to the following directory structure:

📂 demo-app
 └──GroupDocs.Conversion.lic (Optionally)

Run the App

py convert_pdf_pages_to_png.py
python3 convert_pdf_pages_to_png.py

After running the app you can deactivate virtual environment by executing deactivate or closing your shell.


  • Converter("./annual-review.pdf"): Initializes the converter with the PDF file.
  • ImageConvertOptions(): Specifies the output format as image.
  • ImageFileType.PNG: Sets the output image format to PNG.
  • converter.convert_by_page("./converted-pages", png_convert_options): Converts the PDF file pages to PNG and saves output file in converted-pages folder.

Example 3: Convert files in archive

In this example we’ll convert documents packed into ZIP archive to PDF. You can download the app that we’re going to buid here.

import os
from groupdocs.conversion import License, Converter
from groupdocs.conversion.options.convert import PdfConvertOptions

def convert_files_in_archive():
    # Get license file absolute path
    license_path = os.path.abspath("./GroupDocs.Conversion.lic")

    if os.path.exists(license_path):
        # Create License and set the path
        license = License()

    # Load ZIP file
    with Converter("./compressed.zip") as converter:
        # Create convert options
        pdf_convert_options = PdfConvertOptions()
        # Extract ZIP and convert each file to PDF
        converter.convert_multiple("./converted-files", pdf_convert_options)    

if __name__ == "__main__":

compressed.zip is sample file used in this example. Click here to download it.

converted-files is output folder where files converted to PDF are stored. Click here to download the output PDF files.

Your folder tree should look similar to the following directory structure:

📂 demo-app
 └──GroupDocs.Conversion.lic (Optionally)

Run the App

py convert_files_in_archive.py
python3 convert_files_in_archive.py

After running the app you can deactivate virtual environment by executing deactivate or closing your shell.


  • Converter("./compressed.zip"): Initializes the converter with the ZIP file.
  • PdfConvertOptions(): Specifies the output format for files as PDF.
  • converter.convert_multiple("./converted-files", pdf_convert_options): Extracts files from ZIP, converts each file to PDF saves output files in converted-files folder.

Next Steps

After completing the basics, explore additional resources to enhance your usage:


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