Logging and Diagnostics

To enable logging, use either the ConsoleLogger or FileLogger class. There are three types of log messages:

  • Error: for critical exceptions that prevent execution.
  • Warning: for recoverable or expected issues.
  • Trace: for general informational messages.

Example 1: Write Logs to Console

To enable logging to sconsole, use the ConsoleLogger class as shown below:

from groupdocs.conversion import Converter, ConverterSettings
from groupdocs.conversion.logging import ConsoleLogger
from groupdocs.conversion.options.convert import PdfConvertOptions

def write_logs_to_console():
    # Create a console logger
    console_logger = ConsoleLogger()

    # Create converter settings and pass logger 
    converter_settings = ConverterSettings()
    converter_settings.logger = console_logger

    # Load DOCX document and convert it to PDF
    with Converter("./business-plan.docx", converter_settings) as converter:
        pdf_convert_options = PdfConvertOptions()
        converter.convert("./business-plan.pdf", pdf_convert_options)    

if __name__ == "__main__":
[TRACE] Attempting to read the 'GROUPDOCS_LIC_PATH' environment variable for license file location.
[TRACE] GroupDocs license has been set successfully.
[TRACE] Determine loader for source document business-plan.docx ...
[TRACE] ... loader selected.
[TRACE] Loading source document business-plan.docx ...
[TRACE] ... document loaded.
[TRACE] Main document will be converted.
[TRACE] Starting conversion of business-plan.docx...
[TRACE]  ... converter selected ... 
[TRACE]  ... conversion completed.

business-plan.docx is the sample file used in this example. Click here to download it.

business-plan.pdf is converted file. Click here to download it.


  1. console_logger is created to facilitate logging. This logger sends log messages to the console.
  2. converter_settings is instantiated, with its logger attribute set to the previously created console_logger.
  3. A Converter object is instantiated with the configured converter_settings.
  4. The convert method is called and the conversion occurs, log messages are generated and displayed in the console.

Example 2: Write Logs to File

The following code demonstrates how to use FileLogger class and write logs to a text file:

from groupdocs.conversion import Converter, ConverterSettings
from groupdocs.conversion.logging import FileLogger
from groupdocs.conversion.options.convert import PdfConvertOptions

def write_logs_to_file():
    # Set log file path and create logger
    log_file_path = "./log.txt"
    file_logger = FileLogger(log_file_path)

    # Create converter settings and pass logger 
    converter_settings = ConverterSettings()
    converter_settings.logger = file_logger

    # Load DOCX document and convert it to PDF
    with Converter("./business-plan.docx", converter_settings) as converter:
        pdf_convert_options = PdfConvertOptions()
        converter.convert("./business-plan.pdf", pdf_convert_options)    

if __name__ == "__main__":
2024-11-04 12:15:05 [TRACE] Attempting to read the 'GROUPDOCS_LIC_PATH' environment variable for license file location.
2024-11-04 12:15:05 [TRACE] GroupDocs license has been set successfully.
2024-11-04 12:15:05 [TRACE] Determine loader for source document business-plan.docx ...
2024-11-04 12:15:05 [TRACE] ... loader selected.
2024-11-04 12:15:05 [TRACE] Loading source document business-plan.docx ...
2024-11-04 12:15:06 [TRACE] ... document loaded.
2024-11-04 12:15:06 [TRACE] Main document will be converted.
2024-11-04 12:15:06 [TRACE] Starting conversion of business-plan.docx...
2024-11-04 12:15:06 [TRACE]  ... converter selected ... 
2024-11-04 12:15:09 [TRACE]  ... conversion completed.

business-plan.docx is the sample file used in this example. Click here to download it.

business-plan.pdf is converted file. Click here to download it.


  1. file_logger is created to facilitate logging. This logger writes log messages to the log.txt file.
  2. converter_settings is instantiated, with its logger attribute set to the previously created file_logger.
  3. A Converter object is instantiated with the configured converter_settings.
  4. The convert method is called and the conversion occurs, log messages are generated and written to the text file.

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