Load Password-Protected File

With GroupDocs.Conversion for Python via .NET you to load and convert documents that are protected with a password. This feature is useful when you need to handle documents that require authentication to access their contents.

To load and convert a password-protected document, follow the steps outlined in the code example below:

from groupdocs.conversion import Converter
from groupdocs.conversion.options.convert import PdfConvertOptions
from groupdocs.conversion.options.load import WordProcessingLoadOptions

def load_password_protected_file():
    # Set file path
    file_path = "./password-protected.docx"
    # Instantiate load options and set password
    wp_load_options = WordProcessingLoadOptions()
    wp_load_options.password = "12345"

    # Specify source file stream and load options
    converter = Converter(file_path, wp_load_options)
    # Specify output file location and convert options
    output_path = "./password-protected.pdf"
    pdf_convert_options = PdfConvertOptions()
    pdf_convert_options.password = "67890"

    # Convert and save to output path
    converter.convert(output_path, pdf_convert_options)

if __name__ == "__main__":

password-protected.docx is sample file used in this example. Click here to download it.

password-protected.pdf is converted PDF document. Click here to download it. The file is password-protected. Password is 67890.

In case the provided password is incorrect, a runtime error will be thrown. The expected error and error message are as follows:

RuntimeError: Proxy error(CorruptOrDamagedFileException): Cannot convert. The file is corrupt or damaged. The document password is incorrect. ---> IncorrectPasswordException: The document password is incorrect.


  1. File Path Setup: The file path for the password-protected document is specified. In this example, it assumes that the document is named password-protected.docx.

  2. Load Options: An instance of WordProcessingLoadOptions is created, and the password required to open the document is set.

  3. Converter Initialization: A Converter instance is created using the file path and the load options that include the password.

  4. Convert Options: An instance of PdfConvertOptions is created for the conversion process. You can also set the output password for the resulting PDF if required.

  5. Conversion Execution: Finally, the convert method is called on the Converter instance to convert the password-protected document and save it as a PDF.


This example demonstrates how to efficiently load and convert password-protected documents using the GroupDocs.Conversion for Python API. Make sure to replace the passwords and file paths with your actual values before executing the code.


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