GroupDocs.Conversion for Java 20.6 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 20+ features, improvements and bug-fixes in this release, most notable are:

  • Legacy API is removed from the product
  • Now client application can hookup to converter and monitor for start, progress and complete states
  • Improved MPP to spreadsheet conversions
  • XML documents can be converted to any format without transformation
  • Call ConvertedDocumentStream or ConvertedPageStream delegates providing converted stream for processing or storing.
  • Introduced EML to MSG conversions
  • API to retrieve prepared default ConvertOptions for desired target conversion
  • Introduced GetAllPossibleConversions method which return all supported conversions
  • GetPossibleConversions method from a documetn extension without instantiating a Converter
  • GetPossibleConversions for currently provided source document
  • Improved document info classes

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

CONVERSIONNET‑3460FeatureProvide information for conversion start, end and progress
CONVERSIONNET‑3539FeatureConvert xml documents without transformation
CONVERSIONNET‑3290FeatureEML to MSG conversion
CONVERSIONNET‑3512FeatureAPI to retrieve prepared default ConvertOptions for desired target conversion
CONVERSIONNET‑3536FeatureConvert attachments from a mail document
CONVERSIONNET‑3586FeatureGetAllPossibleConversions method which returns all supported conversions
CONVERSIONNET‑3587FeatureGetPossibleConversions for a document extension without instantiating a Converter
CONVERSIONNET‑3345ImprovementMPP to XLS conversion improvement and missing information
CONVERSIONNET‑3526ImprovementNew overload Convert methods which accepts ConvertedDocumentStream or ConvertedPageStream delegates
CONVERSIONNET‑3597ImprovementImprove document info classes 
CONVERSIONNET‑3626ImprovementMake proportional image If only Width or Height is provided when converting to image
CONVERSIONNET‑2819FixFail to convert a specific word document to pdf
CONVERSIONNET‑3420FixOther than PNG to PDF conversion throw exception for PNG source file
CONVERSIONNET‑3423Fix“System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ?gdiplus?” exception when targeting .NET Standard 2.0 under MacOS
CONVERSIONNET‑3424FixCompatibility issues under .NET Standard 2.0
CONVERSIONNET‑2922FixError converting RTL html to PDF
CONVERSIONNET‑3357FixCross reference table or cross reference stream not found exception thrown when converting a particular PDF to image
CONVERSIONNET‑3507FixConvert from XML to any format throw exception - The file is corrupt or damaged.
CONVERSIONNET‑3508FixException “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.” when converting to file
CONVERSIONNET‑3525FixConvert to image doesn’t release the last image
CONVERSIONNET‑3534FixPages limit for TXT file adds additional empty page at the end
CONVERSIONNET‑3556FixGroupDocs.Conversion.Legacy.License not working with Word Documents
CONVERSIONNET‑3576FixEmail to Excel Conversion Issue
CONVERSIONNET‑3581FixEmail to Word or PDF License Not working
CONVERSIONNET‑3625FixPageNumber and PagesCount not respected when converting to image
CONVERSIONNET‑3634Fix‘Index was out of range.’ exception when converting particular mpx file to html

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

  1. GroupDocs.Conversion.ConverterSettings.Listener

    Introduced new property Listener

     * Gets the converter listener implementation used for monitoring conversion status and progress
     * @return The converter listener
    public IConverterListener getListener() {
        return listener;
     * Sets the converter listener implementation used for monitoring conversion status and progress
     * @param listener The converter listener
    public void setListener(IConverterListener listener) {
        this.listener = listener;
    ConverterSettings settings = new ConverterSettings();
    settings.setListener(new ConverterListener());

    ConverterListener is a class which implement IConverterListener interface:

    public class ConverterListener implements IConverterListener {
     public void started() {
          System.out.println("Conversion started...");
     public void progress(byte current) {
          System.out.println("... "+ current +" % ...");
     public void completed() {
          System.out.println("... conversion completed");
  2. GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter.Convert overloads

    Introduced new overloads of Convert method

     * Converts source document. Saves the whole converted document.
     * @param document output stream
     * @param documentCompleted the delegate that receive converted document stream.
     * @param convertOptions the convert options specific to desired target file type.
    public void convert(final OutputStream document, ConvertedDocumentStream documentCompleted, ConvertOptions convertOptions) {...}
     * Converts source document. Saves the converted document page by page.
     * @param document The delegate that saves converted document page to a stream.
     * @param documentCompleted The delegate that receive converted document page stream.
     * @param convertOptions The convert options specific to desired target file type.
    public void convert(final OutputStream document, ConvertedPageStream documentCompleted, ConvertOptions convertOptions) {...}  

    From v20.6 of GroupDocs,Conversion stream created from SaveDocumentStream/SavePageStream delegate is disposed automatically. In order to be able to store converted document stream to file system or database, each time when converted document stream is read the delegates ConvertedDocumentStream/ConvertedPageStream are invoked. 

    String fileName = "source.docx";
    try(FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName)) {
       Converter converter = new Converter(fileInputStream);
       ConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
       converter.convert(outputStream, new ConvertedDocumentStream() {
      public Stream invoke(Stream converted) {
             try(FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream("converted.pdf")) {
             } catch (IOException e) {
             return null;
       }, options);
  3. XML documents can be converted without transformations

    XML document can be converted without transformations

    Converter converter = new Converter("sitemap.xml");
    ConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
    converter.convert("converted.pdf", options);
  4. GroupDocs.Conversion.Contracts.PossibleConversions

    Introduced new class PossibleConversions

     * Represents a mapping what conversion pairs are supported for specific source file format
    public final class PossibleConversions extends ValueObject {
        public static final PossibleConversions NULL = new PossibleConversions(FileType.Unknown);
     * Creates possible conversion list for specified source file format
     * @param source source file type
     public PossibleConversions(FileType source) {
     * All target file types and primary/secondary flag
     * @return Iterable of {@link TargetConversion}
     public Iterable<TargetConversion> getAll() {
     * Returns target conversion for specified target file type
     * @param target target file type
     * @return conversions
     public TargetConversion getTargetConversion(FileType target) {
     * Returns target conversion for specified target file type extension
     public TargetConversion getTargetConversion(String extension) {
     * Primary target file types
     * @return primary target file types
     public Iterable<FileType> getPrimary() {
     * Secondary target file types
     * @return secondary target file types
     public Iterable<FileType> getSecondary() {
    Converter converter = new Converter("source.docx");
    PossibleConversions possibleConversions = converter.getPossibleConversions();
  5. GroupDocs.Conversion.Contracts.TargetConversion

    Introduced new class TargetConversion

     * Represents possible target conversion and a flag is it a primary or secondary
    public final class TargetConversion {
     * Target document format
     * @return Target document format
     public FileType getFormat() {
     * Is the conversion primary
     * @return <code>true</code> if primary
     public boolean isPrimary() {
     * Predefined convert options which could be used to convert to current type
     * @return convert options
     public ConvertOptions getConvertOptions() {
    Converter converter = new Converter("source.docx");
    PossibleConversions possibleConversions = converter.getPossibleConversions();
    TargetConversion targetConversion = possibleConversions.getTargetConversion("pdf");
    if (targetConversion != null) {
       ConvertOptions convertOptions = targetConversion.getConvertOptions();
  6. GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter.GetAllPossibleConversions

    Introduced new static method GetAllPossibleConversions in Converter class

     * Gets all supported conversions
     * @return supported conversions
    public static List<PossibleConversions> getAllPossibleConversions() {
    List<PossibleConversions> allPossibleConversions = Converter.getAllPossibleConversions();
    for (PossibleConversions possibleConversions : allPossibleConversions) {
       System.out.println("Source format:" + possibleConversions.getSource().getDescription());
       for (FileType primary : possibleConversions.getPrimary()) {
          System.out.println("\t-->" + primary.getDescription());
       for (FileType secondary : possibleConversions.getSecondary())
          System.out.println("\t-->" + secondary.getDescription());
  7. GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter.GetPossibleConversions

    Introduced new method GetPossibleConversions in Converter class

     * Gets all supported conversions
     * @return supported conversions
    public static List<PossibleConversions> getAllPossibleConversions()
    Converter converter = new Converter("source.docx");
    PossibleConversions possibleConversions = converter.getPossibleConversions();    

    Introduced new static method GetPossibleConversions in Converter class

     * Gets supported conversions for provided document extension
     * <example>Converter.GetPossibleConversions(".docx")</example>
     * <example>Converter.GetPossibleConversions("docx")</example>
     * @param extension Document extension
     * @return possible conversions
    public static PossibleConversions getPossibleConversions(String extension)
    PossibleConversions possibleConversions = Converter.getPossibleConversions("docx");
    TargetConversion targetConversion = possibleConversions.getTargetConversion("pdf"); // docx -> pdf
    ConvertOptions convertOptions = targetConversion != null ? targetConversion.getConvertOptions() : null;
  8. GroupDocs.Conversion.Legacy

  9. GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Convert.EmailConvertOptions

    Introduced new class EmailConvertOptions

     * Options for conversion to Email file type.
    public class EmailConvertOptions extends ConvertOptions<EmailFileType> {
    Converter converter = new Converter("source.eml");
    ConvertOptions convertOptions = new EmailConvertOptions();
    converter.convert("converted.msg",  convertOptions);
  10. GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Load.EmailLoadOptions
    Introduced new property ConvertAttachments in EmailLoadOptions

    //Get option to convert attachments in source email or not. Default: false.
    //@return Option to convert attachments in source email or not. Default: false.   
    public boolean isConvertAttachments() {
        return convertAttachments;

        * Set option to convert attachments in source email or not
        * @param convertAttachments Option to convert attachments in source email or not.
    public void setConvertAttachments(boolean convertAttachments) {
        this.convertAttachments = convertAttachments;
    String source = "sample-with-attachment.eml";
    EmailLoadOptions loadOptions = new EmailLoadOptions();
    Converter converter = new Converter(source, loadOptions);
    int index = 1;
    ConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
    converter.convert(new FileOutputStream(String.format("converted-%d.pdf", index)), options);