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GroupDocs.Comparison provides many ways to customize the logic of the changes’ detection algorithm and output file creation by setting the CompareOptions class properties.
You can customize the following parameters:
- CalculateCoordinates indicates if calculate coordinates for changed components.
- ChangedItemStyle specifies the style of the changed items.
- DeletedItemStyle specifies the style of the deleted items.
- DetalisationLevel gets of sets the comparison detalization level.
- DetectStyleChanges indicates if detect style changes or not.
- DiagramMasterSetting gets or sets the path to the master, or uses comparison without a master (this option is for diagrams only).
- GenerateSummaryPage indicates if add summary page with detected changes statistics for output document or not.
- InsertedItemStyle specifies style of inserted items.
- MarkChangedContent indicates if use frames for shapes in Word Processing and for rectangles in Image documents.
- MarkNestedContent indicates if accept inserted/deleted styles for all children of inserted/deleted items.
- OriginalSize gets or sets the original sizes of comparing documents.
- PasswordSaveOption gets or sets the password save option. For details, see here.
- SensitivityOfComparison gets or sets the comparison sensitivity. For details, see here.
- ShowDeletedContent indicates if show deleted components in output document or not.
- ShowInsertedContent indicates if show inserted components in output document or not.
- WordsSeparatorChars sets an array of delimiters to split text into words.
- CompareBookmarks indicates if compare bookmarks.
- CompareVariableProperty indicate if compare variable properties.
- CompareDocumentProperty indicates if compare built and custom properties.
- ShowRevisions indicates if show other revisions in the output document.
- LeaveGaps indcates if show empty lines instead of inserted/deleted components in the final document.
For details, see the following guides:
- Accept or Reject detected changes
- Adjusting comparison sensitivity
- Compare multiple documents
- Customize changes styles
- Get changes coordinates
- Get list of changes
- Get source and target text from files
- How to merge source code files
- Get only summary page
- Get extended information on the summary page
- Compare of Variables and Document properties
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