AutoCAD Files Comparison

You work in production and you need to compare product drawings for how it has changed. For this you can use GroupDocs.Comparison with its ability to compare DWG files (or other AutoCAD supported file format).

Source drawing
Target drawing

GroupDocs.Comparison provides the ability to compare two files in DWG format(or any other supported file formats).

The following are the steps to compare two DWG files

  • Instantiate Comparer object with source document path or stream;
  • Call add method and specify target document path or stream;
  • Call compare method.

The following code samples demonstrate how to compare two DWG files.

try (Comparer comparer = new Comparer("source.dwg")) {
    comparer.add("target.dwg"); // NOTE: Put here actual path to target document"result.dwg"); // NOTE: Put here actual path to result document

As a result, we get a DWG file where the deleted elements are marked in red, the added – in blue, and the modified – in green.

Result DWG