Sentiment classification usage

Create an instance of SentimentClassifier class. It is multilingual and supports English, Chinese, Spanish, and German.

Creates SentimentClassifier instance

var sentimentClassifier = new SentimentClassifier();

and call PositiveProbability method

Classifies sentiment by text

var positiveProbability = sentimentClassifier.PositiveProbability("This is a new must-have thing.");
Console.WriteLine($"The probability of a positive sentiment is { positiveProbability }");

or call Classify method

Classifies sentiment by text

var response = sentimentClassifier.Classify("This is a new must-have thing.");
Console.WriteLine($"The best class name:{response.BestClassName}, probability: {response.BestClassProbability}");

Classifies sentiment by text with 3 classes taxonomy (Negative/Neutral/Positive)

var response = sentimentClassifier.Classify("This is a new must-have thing.", taxonomy: Taxonomy.Sentiment3);
Console.WriteLine($"The best class name:{response.BestClassName}, probability: {response.BestClassProbability}");

SentimentClassifier class is thread-safe.