GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 20.11 Release Notes

Major Features

GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 20.11 comes up with support of .NET Standard 2.0 as well as several improvements and bug fixes in working with charts, Markdown, JSON data sources, and other areas.

Full List of Features Covering all Changes in this Release

ASSEMBLYNET-153Support for .NET Core 3.0Feature
ASSEMBLYNET-172Support inline links for MarkdownFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-173Support inline images for MarkdownFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-178API support for .NET 5.0Feature
ASSEMBLYNET-165Nullable int is not recognized for JsonDataSourceBug
ASSEMBLYNET-166Chart legend entries removed in a template appear in a result Word Processing documentBug
ASSEMBLYNET-167Tag “removeif” throws NullReferenceException for a Word Processing documentBug
ASSEMBLYNET-168JsonDataSource cannot access a property having the same name as its containing objectBug
ASSEMBLYNET-169Tag “cellMerge” with empty cells throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException for a Word Processing documentBug
ASSEMBLYNET-170Tag “backColor” adds unwanted carriage return for a Word Processing documentBug
ASSEMBLYNET-171JsonDataSource throws DuplicateNameExceptionBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes 

From now on, inline links and inline images (see Inline Link) are supported when saving assembled Markdown documents to Word Processing formats and saving assembled Word Processing documents and emails to Markdown.

Supported Working with .NET Standard 2.0 Implementations

Starting with version 20.11, GroupDocs.Assembly supports working with .NET Standard 2.0 implementations such as .NET Core 2.0 and later. For more information on .NET Standard 2.0 implementations, see .NET Standard documentation.

Working with GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET Standard 2.0 in Your Project

GroupDocs.Assembly is built on top of several Aspose products. Some of the products use SkiaSharp to deal with graphics-related tasks within .NET Standard 2.0, whereas the others prefer System.Drawing.Common. That is why, GroupDocs.Assembly depends on the both packages.

A recommended way to deal with these and other GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET Standard 2.0 dependencies is installing of GroupDocs.Assembly NuGet package. Otherwise, you can install all dependencies listed at the NuGet package page manually.

Depending on OS you work on, you may need to install some additional dependencies. Learn more about these dependencies in the article “How to Work with GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET Standard 2.0”.