Set Checkbox Values Dynamically

This feature is supported by version 20.3 or greater.
The code uses some of the objects defined in The Business Layer.

You can set checkbox values to either checked or unchecked in your reports dynamically by taking the following steps:

  1. Add a checkbox content control to your template at a place where you want it to appear in a result document.
  2. By editing content control properties, add a check tag to the title of the checkbox content control using the following syntax.
<<check [conditional_expression]>>

The code will look like following snippet:

Here, conditional_expression defines a condition upon which the value of the checkbox content control is to be set to checked (or unchecked, if the condition is not met). The conditional expression must return a Boolean value.

While building a report, a conditional expression declared within a check tag is evaluated and the value of its containing checkbox content control is set accordingly. The check tag itself is removed then.

Dynamic checkbox value setting is available for Word Processing documents only.

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